7 Creative Uses to Upcycle Takeout Containers


Restaurants are increasingly moving away from styrofoam takeout containers, which some conservationists claim can take more than 500 years to break down depending on environmental conditions.

Instead, more restaurants are now offering recyclable plastic containers. When cleaned, these containers can be melted down and used to create several other useful plastic items.

However, recycling takeout containers is just one option! Many newer takeout containers are sturdy and can be upcycled around the house in a variety of useful ways. Here are a few ideas to repurpose takeout containers right at home.

1. Meal Plans Made Easy

Spend time prepping meals for the week on Sunday. Use your restaurant takeout containers to portion out lunch and dinners, and you have an easy grab and go meal whenever you need it.

Look for recipes that reheat well and offer variety, such as burrito bowls with different toppings, or a stir fry with plenty of of veggies. Stews, soups, and curries also store and reheat well. Adding different salsas or hot sauce flavors is another way to keep your meals interesting.

Made too much? Toss containers in the freezer, then grab one on your way to work. By lunchtime, your meal will be defrosted and ready to reheat. 

2. Keep Games With Small Pieces Contained 

Lost pieces can turn game night into a frustrating search for random accessories. Keep games or toys with small parts in a carryout container to avoid losing them! Playing cards, chess pieces, checkers, and even dominos all fit well into most standard restaurant to-go containers. Small puzzles, stackable toys, and kids' game pieces also usually fit.

Plus, takeout containers usually stack well, making organizing games a breeze. 

3. Send Home Holiday Leftovers 

Cooking a large meal for the holidays? Once friends and family go home, you might be stuck eating turkey for a week. Instead, put those carryout containers to use and send stuffing, pie, and turkey home with your guests.

Or, host a potluck party with friends and let guests pack their take-home meals using clean takeout containers.

4. Organize Your Junk Drawer 

Nearly everyone has a catch-all drawer filled with menus, sauce packets, pencils, and a random assortment of other items that don't seem to have a home. Use a few smaller carryout containers to categorize items. Now, you can easily see the contents of a drawer and find what you need.

5. Keep Chargers and Cords Contained While Traveling 

Packing for a trip? Instead of throwing all your electronic cords and headphones into a bird nest of tangled mess, wrap cords and secure them with twist ties, then pack them in a takeout container. Short, flat containers work perfectly for this purpose.

For easy accessibility on a plane, tuck the container into the front pocket of your laptop bag or backpack and you'll never have to dig for your headphones again! 

6. Make Travel Play Kits for Kids 

If you travel with kids, you know how challenging it can be to keep them occupied while on the road or in the air. Upcycle flat takeout containers into a variety of themed play kits that will keep them happy.

For example, fill one with building blocks, another with large beads and pipe cleaners, and another with paper dolls or coloring supplies. When the kids get cranky, pull out a new box and you have an easy distraction. You can even fill one with special snacks!

7. Store Craft Supplies 

If you love crafting, consider upcycling to-go containers into craft supply organizers. Keep beads and popsicle sticks all in one place, or use larger containers to keep drawing supplies tidy.

Crayons and markers fit perfectly into tall soup containers. Cut a notch in the side of the takeout bowl, and you have a yarn bowl perfect for knitters or crocheters. 

More restaurants are moving to plastic containers. However, many recyclables still end up in landfills—even when consumers rinse containers and dispose of them in the correct bins. Instead of relying on recycling programs, consider upcycling those containers around the house. 

Get started by ordering from one of 14,000 restaurants at www.menufy.com.