Every Day is Earth Day: 5 Eco-Friendly Tips for Restaurants

Earth Day, celebrated annually on April 22, is a global event that raises environmental awareness and encourages people to protect our planet.  

The restaurant industry, with its reliance on ingredients packaged by vendors, can have a significant environmental impact. But the good news is that there are many ways that restaurant owners and managers can reduce their waste footprint and make a positive difference.  

By implementing sustainable practices, your restaurant can help Mother Earth and attract eco-conscious customers who love supporting businesses that share their values. 

As Earth Day approaches, Menufy is exploring five tips for how to celebrate our planet in ways that are both good for the environment and good for business.  

5 Eco-Friendly Tips for Restaurants

1. Cut Down on Plastics 

Though convenient for the few minutes when they're put to use, disposable plastics leave a lasting scar on the environment. Earth Day is the perfect excuse to swap out plastic takeout containers, cutlery, straws, and bags for eco-friendly alternatives made from plants, wood, or even compostable materials.  

In an effort to reduce plastic waste, Menufy’s online ordering product offers customers a “No Cutlery” option. We encourage restaurant management to be mindful of their diners' preferences instead of automatically including plasticware in to-go or delivery orders. 

Furthermore, there are many organizations that help restaurants wean off their dependency on single-use plastics. Check out Plastic Free Restaurants to learn more about their program, which subsidizes the purchase of reusable replacements. 

2. Get Recycling Rolling

In the world of restaurants, it is sometimes hard to avoid plastic and other waste materials. In these instances, Menufy’s restaurant experts have an easy solution. 


Managers or head chefs should consider setting up recycling bins for customers and back-of-house staff.  

Before you launch your recycling program, we suggest doing a little waste detective work! Investigate what items are filling your trash cans the most. Cardboard boxes? Plastic bottles? Once you have a handle on your "waste stream," you can target the biggest offenders for recycling. 

Start small and celebrate the wins! Focus on a few easily recyclable items such as cardboard, plastic bottles, and aluminum cans. As your program becomes second nature, you can easily add more materials to the mix. 


3. Waste Not, Want Not 

Restaurants are responsible for throwing away over 8 million tons of unused food, according to ReFED. but it doesn't have to be that way. Did you know that some cities and states allow restaurants to donate perfectly good leftover food to those in need? 

Organizations such as homeless shelters and domestic abuse shelters often rely on these donations. Here in Kansas City, for example, Menufy proudly supports Harvesters, a nonprofit that collects unserved prepared meals and surplus inventory from restaurants. They then connect this valuable food with agencies that distribute it directly to the community. 

Check your local regulations and see if you can partner with a nearby organization. It's a fantastic way to ensure that your unused food reaches hungry bellies instead of landfills. 


4. From Trash to Treasure

Every restaurant owner has felt the pain of over-ordering ingredients or over-prepping food. Instead of throwing away food that has gone bad, consider composting! It's a sustainable solution that turns what might seem like waste into something valuable. 

Coffee grounds, carrot tops, and eggshells—these are just a few examples of everyday kitchen scraps that can be transformed into nutrient-rich compost. Make it easy for your team to participate by placing compost bins in convenient locations around the line and prep areas. 

Composting isn't just good for the environment; it's also a great way to connect with your community. Explore partnership opportunities with local farms or gardeners who might be happy to take your compostable waste off your hands.  

Composting services are becoming increasingly common, and there's a good chance there's one near you, public or private. Menufy suggests visiting Good Start Packaging’s website to find a nearby composting service. 


5. Earth-Friendly Foods 

Did you know that some foods have a bigger environmental footprint than others? This Earth Day, consider incorporating dishes made with low-impact ingredients into your menu. It’s a delicious way to reduce the environmental impact of your business.

Stuffed Mushrooms, courtesy of Piante Pizzeria.


They require minimal water and land, utilize recycled materials to grow, and have a low carbon footprint. Mushrooms are the easiest eco-friendly ingredient to incorporate into your restaurant’s menu. 


Seaweed requires no fertilizers and filters pollutants from the water. It also grows quickly and absorbs harmful CO2, making it a sustainable and beneficial ingredient to add to your menu. 

Pulses (Beans, Lentils, Peas):

These require very little water and are "nitrogen fixers," meaning they enrich the soil naturally. They're also a sustainable and protein-packed meat alternative.

Mussel Combo Plate, courtesy of Pier 17 Evansville Cajun Seafood & Bar.


Farmed mussels have a low environmental impact compared to other animal proteins, and they don’t require additional land or feed.  

Organic Produce:

Organic farming protects soil health and reduces reliance on harmful chemicals. Partner with local farms and vendors to reduce your carbon footprint by buying produce from nearby! 

The Last Bite 

Earth Day serves as a powerful reminder of our responsibility to protect the environment. For the restaurant industry, this means taking a critical look at how our operations impact the environment.  

By implementing sustainable practices like those we've explored in this blog—reducing plastic use, establishing a recycling program, minimizing food waste, and composting—restaurants can significantly reduce their environmental footprint.  

Our restaurant experts believe that by offering eco-friendly alternatives such as plant-based protein and locally sourced produce, you can create delicious dishes that resonate with environmentally conscious diners without sacrificing flavor! 

Eco-conscious consumers are increasingly seeking out restaurants that share their values. By embracing sustainability, you're not only doing your part to protect our planet, but you're also attracting a loyal customer base that will appreciate your dedication to a healthier, happier world.  

So let's work together, one delicious and sustainable plate at a time, to create a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. 


Melissa Dimmitt, Marketing Manager
Melissa is the Marketing Manager for Menufy by HungerRush. She began working with restaurant managers and executive chefs over a decade ago, coordinating seasonal menu releases, executing photoshoots, and creating fresh digital content.